TIme Based Design





Hierbij moesten we een werk maken geïnspireerd op David Kenney. 





Bij deze workshop moesten we iemand stalken. Ik heb, omdat er niemand op straat liep, mijn zus gestalkt (geobserveerd). Dat moesten we weer omzetten in iets. 

Reversed Video

Over Time assignment 

Ik had heel veel struggle met deze opdracht, omdat het steeds niet werkte… 

First my idea was to capture the mold process of bread, and to do something extra I put the plastic bag the bread came in, inside the bread. So when the bread would completely shrink the plastic would be visible. But even after a whole month literally nothing happened. 

So I had to think of a plan B. So instead of a whole bread I used just a slice of bread, and cut a hole in the middle and put the plastic in there. But the only thing that happened here was the growth of dust.

So when plan B also didn’t work I got a little stressed. Plan C was to make a still life with fruits, but instead of it being still it would rot. So it’s basically a moving still life thing. But I made this in the second week of the break and quite soon I got to the realization that it didn’t have enough time to show a big difference. 

And when all of that didn’t work I got a little desperate. So I gave myself an assignment I could do in just one week. That’s when I came up with the idea to make a picture of my view, every single hour for one week. You would be able to see the lightning of the day and the darkening, and the change between the days of the week. So that’s eventually what I did for the long assignment. (For my own health I only woke up every hour of the night on Monday night and used those pictures for the rest of the week, because nothing changed anyway and otherwise I wouldn’t get sleep for a whole week.) 

The most interesting thing about this is how quickly it gets light and dark this time of the year. Between an hour it’s already completely different. And now I know that the lampposts before my house go out at 7 am, which is so strange, because you would think they are more useful at that time than in the middle of the night, but oh well.