For this project I used this photo of Nina Simone which really spoke to me because of her body language. I wanted to focus me on the outlines and on the different experiments, and convert it to a abstract version.

For the first one I just painted the outlines and then I roughly sketched her with some pencil.
For the second one I wanted to focus me on using different paintbrushes and techniques.

For this one I used some water and ink.
I kept experimenting with the materials so I first made the paper wet and then I added ink.

Then I tried to use less black.
And then I combined the ink technique and I tried to draw her face in, but I did not really like how the face turned out.

I decided that I wanted to focus me more on the composition of the picture, so I made a few abstract versions
I left out the extra lines because I didn’t think that it added something meaningful to it.

Then I made a stencil with paper and spray painted it, and I putted the black stencil to the back.
For this one I wanted to make it more like an illustration.
Then I wanted to experiment with ‘zeefdrukken’
I made a few versions, this one was digitalized
And this is how it looks on the paper. I like the clean lines.

And I did some experiments with the ‘zeefdruk’
I really like this one, the lines almost give some 3D effect to it.
Some more experiments
This one is one of my favorites.

Some sketches

Evaluation : What I think went great is the different experiments and the use of different materials I did. I like to combine different techniques together, that is something that I wanted to improve in and I think I did good.