Time Based Project

Speed of Nature: for this long term assignment I wanted to light a candle every day and watch the candle wax drip down and form a sculpture. Sadly enough, the shops closed and I quickly ran out of candles. I asked friends and family, but no one had any colored candles, so I ended up with only 12 of them.
Shutter Speed Experiment at school.
Shutter speed experiment at home: I did not really like the ones we took at school so I tried it again at home.
Square Experiment: Cartwheels. How long will it take until I step outside the square?
Kubism 1: a collage inspired by David Hockney
Kubism 2: a collage inspired by David Hockney
An experiment with light sensitive paper. 1) Leaves, moving them over time. 2) A piece of yarn and a plant. 3) Smarties. 4) Analogue film.
Stalking Experiment: following someone into the supermarket and buying exactly what they are buying captured in a vlog + a lunch recipe video.
Slow Motion: lighting a candle
Reversed Video 1: “building” a pyramid
Reversed Video 2: tea bag