Filter a photograph through painting
This was the image I chose to use for the assignment!
First I made some tests and in the end I made the work below.
I was not completely satisfied with this so I tried some new things.
In the end I made this work:
I tried to make an abstract version of the photo. I think it worked out well in that respect, but i mis the “joy” of the photo in my painting. I want to try to process more emotion next time.
Paint over pictures of your own & paint over news pictures
During this assignment I tried to create as many structures as possible. I have used a lot of the same techniques here, I would vary more in the future.
Due the file size, I am unable to get the photos on the website, so below you can find a PDF with the photos of the assignment, I hope that’s okay.
Make a collage painting in large format
I wanted to create new layers in the collage with my created works. I found it quite a difficult assignment and I wanted to incorporate that into the overal picture by expressing the frustration with paint splashes.
Instagram painting filters
I made this filter on the basis of the painted image. I think it was difficult to create a new image with it but fun to learn how something like this works. I definitely want to use it more often.